Insights & News
Check out our case studies to read more about how we've helped our clients achieve their goals
Team Retrospectives: A How-To Guide for Team Building
Team retrospectives are a great way to check in with your team to see how they are doing and how the project is progressing. Retros usually happen between “iterations,” and take place bi-weekly...
ElixirConf 2022 Productivity Takeaways
I am a huge fan of improving development workflows. The less I have to think about incidental things, the more I can concentrate on the problems that matter. One talk from ElixirConf 2022 helped...
Guarantees with Ecto.Repo.update_all/3
We all want guarantees. We can get guarantees on our automobiles, homes, phones, shoes, food, and even our pets. We’ll take a guarantee in, on, or about anything. As software developers, our...
The Lifecycle of a Phoenix LiveView
The LiveView request lifecycle runs twice when a connection is first made to your application. It runs once to render static content for web crawlers, search engines, and other...
Building Embedded Systems in the Modern Era
I remember the early days of hacking small devices with a single purpose. Many of them lived unconnected and provided one bit of functionality. Maybe you remember that day too. Perhaps you were a...
Dynamic Form Inputs in Elixir LiveView
I recently found myself addressing a product requirement involving a form with input fields generated from a list of data we retrieved from a third-party provider. This requirement proved...
Binary Noggin Ranks #20 on Kansas City Business Journal Fast 50 List
Binary Noggin is honored to be ranked #20 on Kansas City Business Journal’s prominent Fast 50 list for 2022. The list features the area’s fastest-growing businesses throughout every industry, all...
Front-End Testing in Phoenix With Wallaby
Why is front-end testing even a thing? We have LiveView, right? I can run tests on my components and everything is magical. What is Wallaby? You may have heard of Wallaby at the Big Elixir when...
The Binary Noggin Breakdown: Why Is Collaboration Important in Software Development?
If you know anything about Binary Noggin, know that we are a very people-oriented company. It's how we do things and, more importantly, why we do things. We aim to create effective engineering...
Questions to Consider When Choosing a Software Development Consultant
Hiring a consultant is a significant commitment, often spanning months or even years depending on the project at hand, but how do you start your search for such a crucial and long-term...
Media Appearances
Elixir Outlaws Podcast
Elixir Outlaws is an informal discussion about interesting things happening in Elixir. Our goal is to capture the spirit of a conference hallway discussion in a podcast.

Episode 101: Bright and Tight
Amos and Chris discuss error handling and when it’s appropriate to “let it crash.”
Episode 100: Pop-Tartare
Amos, Chris and Anna celebrate their 100th episode and talk about their favorite moments from the show.
Episode 99: Big Tubes
This week Amos and Chris discuss behaviors and protocols, and when to use both.